Wednesday, March 07, 2007

3 Weeks!!!!!

Yes... it's true!!!! I am leaving for a 6 week long trip to Europe in 3 short weeks!!! (or long... depending how you look at it) I will fly out of Portland on March 28th and into Frankfurt, Germany with 3 friends. We are renting a car and pretty much driving everywhere for the next 6 weeks!!!!! (This picture is a VERY rough idea of the route we are planning.) We are staying at hostels, campgrounds and doing a little "couch surfing". (an organization that we found that links travelers with couches to sleep on!!!) I probably won't keep this blog updated while I'm gone, but I started a travel blog specifically for the trip. Check out my links and stay updated all the way through!!!!!!


Bethany said...

I like the map. I can't get over the fact that we're leaving in three weeks. It's exciting - and a tad scary, considering all I still have on my "to do" list. (OK, OK, we all know I'm not organized enough to have a real "to do" list. I've just got a tentative one in my head.)

Anonymous said...

well i'm def jealous of you going to europe but not staying in "hostels" doesnt sound very relaxing....hmmmm haha wuts up? hows life?

Amy said...

Come see me next week!!!