Sunday, September 30, 2007

What? No way... not a new post?!?!?!

Yes it's true... I have actually decided to post a new updated blog... shocking I know! Well, camp is over for another year, and I'm working for my daddy-o at the office... I am a Chiropractic Assistant... oooo fancy name!!! I know I know... it's quite the title ;) I'm working 3 days a week and trying to get out of doing responsible things the other 4 ;) I've been rock climbing twice, and have really enjoyed this new interest!!! Maybe I'll post a few pix... ya know... I seriously wonder if anyone is even on blogspot anymore... I'm pretty much on facebook all the time... I have all but abandoned myspace... and email is just too slow ;) My life consists of working, taking care of little girls, hanging out with friends, and drooling over Bethany's blog describing in overwhelmingly fascinating detail her travels all across the country!!! Ciao ;)


Anonymous said...

Well, if it means anything, I at least check these when they are updated...

Bethany said...

Yay for new posts! And thanks for reading my travel blog.:)
Rock climbing pics would be fun to see. Oh, and you should tell us more about that upcoming Mexico trip.